IC4592: Blue Horsehead Credit & Copyright: Rogelio Bernal Andreo See sidebar for explanation.

Friday 12 November 2010

on slippery ground

That one Spirit that could manipulate at will gives us a lot of leeway. There must be a reason. We are learning more and more about God everyday. Only trouble is that the more we learn the more we learn there is even more to be learned than before. Only the spirit can understand the Spirit. We are forced to move forward in faith because of the overwhelming unknowns. The more we learn the more awe we experience. We admit the possibility of dimensions and even to more than we are relating to right now. Why are there those of us who can only entertain the knowledge we know while dismissing so casually all the knowledge we do not know? We admit the scientific conclusion there are unseen factors that are revealed in the seen. It takes an expansive spirit to recognize how great existence really is. And is it not odd that the more a person knows the more unsure and aware they are of what they do not know. The more a man respects his ignorance the more intelligent he is. The more he respects his intelligence the more ignorant he is. The atheist scientist stands on the latter slippery ground ignoring all the facts that he does not know.

Tuesday 9 November 2010

what goes around

Ideas might be created in a committee but the execution of the idea is diluted according to the number of members in the committee. It is possible for one entity to multiply thoughts and create ideas but if that one entity can interact with another different entity then ideas are fed back and forth creating fuel for a greater constellation of ideas in each entity. However to do this the individuals in the group must learn to think as if alone inside the group noise. Since we all speak for our own benefit it is crucial that we realize our thoughts only apply to ourselves and not to others as well. Once a spirit exists it can create on its' own but carnivorous ones may want to take over those around them. They do this because they are subconsciously losing their sense of existence so they force others into a jacket of their own making that will not last. If it did all the entities of that group would become extinct. We even might call this the Robespierre Correction, because these attempts are always consumed within their own time frame.

Friday 5 November 2010

binaray nature of the human psyche

If you divide a single subject in two you are half way toward understanding it. Duality can take us far afield, but binary being the number system used by computers, is a mirror image of our mind. This is how we perceive reality two by two. So I stretch a subject across a continuum and establish extreme points at either end. A center freezes things in amber. It does not go anywhere, it does not lead anywhere. So I step back and observe the subject in motion. The dynamic view is a glimpsing panoramic view going in and out our subconscious memories which the static view can, unintentionally or not, be led to set up an entirely different, misleading one. It is not much good for me to think of something while at the same time neglect how I think. It is first far more important how I think than even what I think, since one act leads to the other. Without the first the second is still born.