IC4592: Blue Horsehead Credit & Copyright: Rogelio Bernal Andreo See sidebar for explanation.

Tuesday 24 August 2021

Only God's definition of Himself makes

Meaning out of meaninglessness

Ecclesiastes has a rep for saying everything is dismal and discouraging because everything is meaningless. But only if we leave out the context. With the conclusion ignored, everything falls into the hands of doubters and double mindedness. 

Orion Horsehead Nebula

The context is that only God makes everything worthwhile and without Him everything is meaningless. Why is everything meaningless?

My answer is that it is time, found prominently in the seen, that makes eventually everything meaningless and forgettable.  Only the unseen makes everything meaningful, where all things stand. This conclusion is obviously evidenced in God's own definition of Himself, who said who He was I am that I am' which is to say, I Exist. 

Thursday 19 August 2021

Nothing is something

after all

If one does not believe in God then they are not only opposed to existence but they believe in nothing. It cannot be zero because zeroes exist already. It cannot be oblivion because the function of believing in something, even nothing, exists for the person who believes it. They may even get it. But to be outside existence, and to know it, must be, dare I say it, hellish, even more so without time to bail one out. 

Tuesday 17 August 2021

Wisdom is heavy

God is the Fountainhead. 

God is Existence itself and does not permit, and can not allow, anything contrary to His nature. We however are free to desire to be Gods for ourselves if we wish it. It has been done and appears to be a very frustrating, totally upsetting experience. It could be said to be something like one in a tantrum, destroying everything in sight.