IC4592: Blue Horsehead Credit & Copyright: Rogelio Bernal Andreo See sidebar for explanation.

Monday 26 September 2011

who is an individual and what is a group?

The individual is the focal point of the US Constitution and the entire purpose for the formation of the United States. We find here a formally written definition decided upon and accepted by individuals long before any of us. Therefore, we will use their definition as being the more legitimate definition since we live in this country under the law of that single one Consititution. An individual is one person alone who has rights not given by any one man, but by God or in our definition since they are one in the same, Existence. This definition cannot be evolved into anything else in any way without being a violation, and a right denied, which is a criminal act in violation of the civil right of the individual in the Constitutional definition. Anyone believing this, without any detailed elaboration, can be said in today's political climate to be generally a conservative. Conservative viewpoint can deviate from this whenever they, or anyone else, use certain rights, for instance States Rights, to mask the suppression of any other single individual right, such as the right to vote. States Rights are real and legitimate but become illegitimate whenever any legitimate right is used to cancel any other legitimate right all individuals are entitled to under the Constitutional definition of an individual. This should be self evident to everyone, even those under the burden of convoluted logic used to arrive at a predetermined point. So now we have penciled in our definition of an individual. Next we arrive at the most contentious individual to define, the group individual. What are their rights?

Sunday 25 September 2011

only two kinds of people

If you want to examine any subject it is a good method to divide it in two. Say we want to examine ourselves, and everyone else. It is difficult to examine one selves, but it can be done. Start by dividing people in two. All individuals need to be part of a group to survive and all groups need individuals to survive. So we might say then that there are two kinds of people. Individuals thinking as an individual in the group, and individuals who think as individuals for the group. As if in algebra, we work back to the simple and then back out again to the complex so we then reduce our paradigm as much as we can. This leaves us with a individual in a group and a group in an individual or, the individual and the group individual. We have to have a premise to start. If you can agree with this so far, you should be able to see where this is going. Once we start out with a premise it usually determines where one is going to end up. So we have to make sure our premise will not cave in us down the road. Next we have to define the terms of our premise. We've partially done this already but now we do it in detail to reduce it to the simple. All ideas, even simple ones, must revert to the simple before proceeding to the complex. So the next question is, who is an individual and what is a group? Perhaps we should let a day settle all this up to this point to reassure ourselves it is valid.

Friday 23 September 2011

fumbling imaginations

Arthur Koestler, in selecting his theme for the Sleepwalkers, felt the great astronomers of the past made their discoveries as much by fumbling their way through imagination and intuition as by experiments in a laboratory. This idea of intuition suggests a source. A source that is by definition within existence and comes from out of existence, revealing imaginations about the source of those imaginations through us. It is as though we were created to study existence. This same observation has been over heard in other contexts, made by scientists studying the atom. It all fits together someway as yet not fully known, as when Kepler discovered God was a mathematician and that the harmony of the spheres was a mathematical harmony.

Thursday 22 September 2011

simple and the complex

Every discipline has it's own lingo, from the street loiterers to the tenured professors wandering in the academic pasture. This lingo is designed to keep outsiders out and insiders in. Physicists of all stripes use words that if defined naturally and without obtuse elaborations would make access to their debates open rather than closed as they prefer. One really only needs a simple dictionary to their slang. It is a distinct possibility these elaborate concepts are more art than anything else. If something is too complex it is probably orbiting out of useful sight. The complex comes from the simple. It is the simple that is difficult, the complex is easy as a juggler's dream. 

Wednesday 21 September 2011

binaries in prediction

In order to achieve a direction in any force it is necessary, it appears, to establish a binary model to encircle the effort. This is basic and the unseen spiritual aspect of this theory is garnered from the observed idea of any subject of any size and power effecting or being effected by another similar entity. Since this model is present in so man instances we encounter, it might be concluded that the same model can be used in prediction as well as in establishing an understanding of the entities of our concern. To be continued....

Sunday 18 September 2011

ballast seeking balance

Whatever we present outside we are generally to varying degrees are the opposite deep inside. The reason this is true is because we can not help but speak from our own perspectives and for our own benefit. The reason that is true is because the incentive to speak is always to maintain a balance between our spirit within and our presentation of self without so that we will not sink. This is a theory in consideration.

Thursday 15 September 2011

the abstraction distraction

There are many who cannot think in terms of abstractions, for them their attraction is for the concrete they can see feel and touch. This inability to focus on our spiritual nature results in some really odd positions that seem natural and even logical from their limited perspective in the present. The future really does not seem of great concern if one cannot project abstractions from the more concrete present connexions. The religious nature of man is designed to prepare us for a future with many facts missing. These facts as they become known are replaced by the awareness of a growing number of facts we do not yet understand at all, let alone fully. The natural is difficult enough for it to embrace everything that is known already. The super nature of supernatural is not yet understood anywhere near completely, but we have hints hovering all around us. So then it is for these people, easy to believe in the supernatural ability of Christ to rise from the dead. But it is far too cumbersome for them to realize anyone could by their own faith in a Christ who could accomplish this, also themselves have the faith to believe they could do anything much at all, much less tap into that power that could heal anyone or cast a mountain into the sea. Without this ability to ignore limitations and venture into the unknown, the future is postponed until they might do it accidentally. Accidentally connected events have resulted in some great leaps ahead in our understanding of the spiritual that give us advantages in the concrete. These accidents come out of planned efforts, they do not just pop up out of nowhere as an unplanned evolutionary view might appear to magically materialize from the spirit. There are no limitations to our roving darting thoughts, as we similarly see reflected in the limitless galaxies of an expanding universe. Just because I do not understand the algebra of something does not mean it is not understandable. If I persist then persistance alone propells me forward. Faith persists. Persistance is the backbone of faith.