This is a definition, not a theory. Perhaps the earliest report of who God was, and what was meant by the term God, came from Moses when he asked who should he say sent him. He reported that God told him to say that I Am that I am sent him. This is a definition of and means Existence. God himself said he was Existence.
Everything else, all the other attributes, flow from this. The ancient accounts personalized the term God as someone like them but it is clear he was a Spirit and He was Existence and always Existence.
This has great implications for those who accept a definition of God as the unspoken testimony and personal witness of large bodies of clergy and various other people who profess to believe in God.
This has great implications for those who accept a definition of God as the unspoken testimony and personal witness of large bodies of clergy and various other people who profess to believe in God.
What anyone believes about God has nothing to do with a definition of God. God is not churches, God is not a book. The report stated that God has already defined Himself and it is His definition that has the only legitimacy. As with everything else we know it must be accepted or rejected via faith because we just don't know very much for a certainty.
According to the report we have, there is one certainty however, God is Existence. He is the Spirit of Existence. And in order for us to comprehend this God must be personalized in our perceptive minds before we can comprehend with meaning. This is a definition of our terms not a theory or a proof.
And according to any definition of knowledge we cannot know everything because our new knowledge of our ignorance expands new questions along with our new knowledge. So faith is required to make any decision now, until we were to know everything which is impossible since our knowledge of our ignorance is expanding just like the universe is expanding.
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