IC4592: Blue Horsehead Credit & Copyright: Rogelio Bernal Andreo See sidebar for explanation.

Saturday 2 February 2013

Why do we personify God and Existence??

Since God is a Spirit and no one has ever seen him, why do we personify God? It was said by ancient writers that God wanted company so He gave us existence. If so, then He did this to objectify Himself, to experience Himself, just as we in turn do the same. When we personify a spirit even the Spirit of Existence, we do this in order to experience ourselves deeper into our psychological spirit. Also, we then can tap in on, or connect with, a source of power outside ourselves, which then releases the connecting power, or belief in it, that we have within ourselves to accomplish the purpose of the spirit that has risen within. If you ever felt angry then you are interacting with an angry spirit. Sometimes a spirit can consume a person. There are legions of spirits we can embody or connect with so we must be careful that that spirit does not consume us but rather produces positive results not only now but in the forever future.

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