IC4592: Blue Horsehead Credit & Copyright: Rogelio Bernal Andreo See sidebar for explanation.

Wednesday 25 October 2017

when old was new in an idle moment of time

There once was a man who was 215 years old. This is all we know about him, that he was the last surviving solder who participated in the Revolutionary War. So I figured out at the time I learned about him, that if he had lived another second 215 years he would have been dead 34 years already. Is this what we can hope for?

If you live long enough we get the opportunity to ask a doctor or dentist, what happened to a procedure they used to do? The answer always seemed quite similiar each and every time which was, oh well, we don't do that anymore. If you make it far enough you should get at least three different times in your life to ask that question and get that similar questionable answer.

So I said well you seem to have a history of being wrong. The next question, I never ask it, what are you doing today you won't be doing anymore tomorrow? First they took x-rays in a checkup and now they don't. Tests during checkups that I paid big bucks for every year completely dropped altogether because it did not tell them anything. First the big number in blood pressure was more important, and now it is the small number the most important. Instances and example abound.

Decided to look at the hi-fi equipment to fill some time, this was awhile back now. Salesman shows me an hi-fi amplifier with tubes in it. This is the best there is he tells me. When I bought my tube amplifier years previous it was on sale because it was old technology making room for solid state, and that now was the thing. You don't have to wait for it to warm up I was told. Now I am to supposed to wait out the warmup because tubes offer better sound. This will never stop. The main attraction seems to be new. New used be old in new wine skins.

How did I get here? Everyday 100 years of age is getting younger. I don't want to be 100, but what is the alternative? One of the lines in the movie Bladerunner play peekaboo in the shadows. All those moments lost in time, like tears in the rain.

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