IC4592: Blue Horsehead Credit & Copyright: Rogelio Bernal Andreo See sidebar for explanation.

Wednesday 28 February 2018

Tears in the rain

No one, no physicist, nor anyone else, seems to know just what time is. But I think we can say it only seems to exist in the comparative state. This is a physically seen state and not an unseen one. Unseen time is instinctively non-existent wherein we say that there is no time in the abstract unseen state, such as spiritually, in heaven so to speak. We can only grasp time is the comparative state physically as a mere measurement.

How can we reflect without the existence of time? Not much exists very long in the physical state, not even rocks, but if we abstract from the spirit there is no end of time. I seem to have misspoke somewhere if I can only put my finger on it. Such is eternity.

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