IC4592: Blue Horsehead Credit & Copyright: Rogelio Bernal Andreo See sidebar for explanation.

Saturday 25 July 2020

Definition of responsibilty......

I am responsible for whatever happens to me.. The "re" tells about that. Now we can say a doctor is responsible for a consequence, but it is "me" the patient who is responsible for suffering the consequence. Time may make money, but money does not make time. Nor will money produce a different result. The patient's body will hold the patient responsible. That's me. One just has to accept it. When money enters the picture , muddy motives are at work, clouding the issue. The body politic is continually warring over the definition of words. There is a deafening spiritual battle raging if one has the ears to hear it. The future is the fortune forever in the offing. If a group can  define our words then they can control our thinking.

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