Why is it that after someone significant for me passes away I see them so differently than when they were in the flesh right before me? It is as if my mind's eye, so to speak, I see them differently. I can recognize everything so clearly. I wonder why I never saw or so totally understood what was happening before? Was it because now I saw their spirit uncluttered by their physical image? Sometimes, it has been said, when someone is no longer here we experience them now that their shadow is gone. The idea that when we pass away (we pass away, our body dies) we see things clearly, this is mentioned in the Gospels. So the concept is nothing new. But why is it there? Is it to show what is to come?
Speculative Essays pushing the abstract envelope of conventional concrete thought.
Saturday, 31 October 2020
When our eyes open....
Thursday, 15 October 2020
Escaping existence
Anyone who does not choose existence expects to choose oblivion which unfortunately is also within existence to exist. To know you are existing outside of existence must be too unbearable to endure.
Wednesday, 14 October 2020
How Great a Faith?
Jesus said many years after the Genesis account, mentioned earlier, if a man had enough faith he could take a mountain and throw it into the sea. It was meant to emphasize that anything is possible with great faith. Not many of us can believe this I fear, thinking rather it is just a figure of speech. It is not really true, only the meaning is true. Hard for many to believe but it was also hard to believe God when He said that man could do anything he set his mind to do.
When he said it, only buildings seemed available to reach the sky. Men not only reached the sky but walked on the moon! On the other hand what Jesus said was the same, that if we had enough faith we could do anything, without limit. (Even greater things than Jesus did, according to Jesus Himself.) The earlier reported quote by God in the beginning of recorded time has not changed. Everything seen comes about from the fountainhead of faith within the unseen. So how then did the ancients know God said man could do anything he took a purpose to do? My response would be that God placed it in their heart. Maybe it was an epiphany. I find it hard to ignore an epiphany.
Monday, 12 October 2020
Big Bing Bang Bust
Just because I am not a deep science guy does not mean I am off the hook deciding the latest physical theories I am going to dance with every 25 years.
Saturday, 3 October 2020
God cannot act against Himself
God is existence and there is nothing in existence that God spoke into existence that is evil or destructive since that would be acting against Himself. Then how did evil get in the world? While everything He created was good when He spoke it into existence, all came into beiňg able to choose their own course from then on.
Not everyone came in the same. All bodies come in as a wasting asset designed to change. Ths is not the ultimate destination. It is temporal, and under the dictates of time, which does not exist by itself, but only in a comparative state. We are subject to dreams which are really only spirits we adopt or consume us. More later.....
Everything is in a faith driven world and we struggle, wrestling among faith and fear for the host that will dominate us. God urges us to choose life. (In choosing life I am agreeing with writers from before the history of "writing" and believe them as well.)