IC4592: Blue Horsehead Credit & Copyright: Rogelio Bernal Andreo See sidebar for explanation.

Wednesday 14 October 2020

How Great a Faith?

 Jesus said many years after the Genesis account, mentioned earlier, if a man had enough faith he could take a mountain and throw it into the sea. It was meant to emphasize that anything is possible with great faith. Not many of us can believe this I fear, thinking rather it is just a figure of speech. It is not really true, only the meaning is true. Hard for many  to believe but it was also hard to believe God when He said that man could do anything he set his mind to do. 

When he said it, only buildings seemed available to reach the sky.  Men not only reached the sky but walked on the moon! On the other hand what Jesus said was the same, that if we had enough faith we could do anything, without limit. (Even greater things than Jesus did, according to Jesus Himself.) The earlier reported quote by God in the beginning of recorded time has not changed. Everything seen comes about from the fountainhead of faith within the unseen. So how then did the ancients know God said man could do anything he took a purpose to do? My response would be that God placed it in their heart. Maybe it was an epiphany. I find it hard to ignore an epiphany. 

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