IC4592: Blue Horsehead Credit & Copyright: Rogelio Bernal Andreo See sidebar for explanation.

Saturday 27 March 2021

Time out of context...

 History as I was taught in public schools I found quite illogical in that they taught it, as it were, in a series of still photos instead of the connected sweep of "moving pictures". Religion and science were caught in a perception gap?

After Ancient History came history of countries as if they existed by themselves one after the other. I remember wondering about Lenin in Germany, It felt somewhat strange. I mean, what was he doing there? It seemed as if he was taking a tourist break, just there for a holiday or something. 

So when did the Roman Empire fall?*

Everything is connected in context within my point of view. Historically, views of religion and science were presented as adversarial forces. The result leaves both cast, while making mockery of their own views, as each the holy grail.

History was also taught by separate individual countries but never put together in time, as one flowing stream. It was exactly like taking each country out of context. This is what we are seeing in today's colleges. Each period of time does not exist by itself. By taking history out of context it becomes a mere tool of separately directed partisanship.

What form of government was it then? In a world where slavery was accepted from the beginning of all history, which type of government was it that was so dramatically successful in bringing about, at great cost and time, the first governmentally sponsored death of slavery?

It takes time to make supporting gains to evolve all the way to permanent lasting change. What happens suddenly still takes forever to reach each generation forward . And it cannot be rushed from one generation to the other if it is to last, instead of stalling. 

On the change agenda, whether next or not, is religion, and toward making all human awareness single minded and the sameAnd that backward effort is already in the dawn of defining humans as "organisms" for a reason.....which leads to another issue for later.

*Date of Roman Empire's fall is a debatable date, as dubious as the founding dates, arbitrarily set by historians, as 476? Maybe... the fall was so gradually frequent over more than two thousand years that maybe in the mix was the slogan,  all roads lead to Rome..... for bread and circus. Another contrast between the seen and unseen.

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