IC4592: Blue Horsehead Credit & Copyright: Rogelio Bernal Andreo See sidebar for explanation.

Tuesday 27 April 2021

Jonah foretells Jesus

 Is the spirit real? Will the spirit be born again?

Regarding the  idea the Jonah story brings Jesus on the cross story into range of the unbelievable is misdirecting the rational, denying the unseen spirit world. All over the world are those knocking on doors who cannot conceive the reality of the spiritual.

Regarding Jonah being swallowed by a whale, I always check unproven premises before proceeding.

From behind the dark
 we will one day see clearly

It was never suggested anywhere, except by unbelievers, that Jonah lived for three days in the whale. He died. Just as Jesus died on the cross Jonah died, was digested or smothered unliving for three days, dying, same as Jesus.

If one rises from the physically dead it is reasonable to conclude they died first. Notice now at this point, that all the ancient peoples are regarded by many of today, as weavers and recounters of myths or, unbelievable stories.

Yet time and again the routine is repeated, it was found that it actually was true all along. The often told explanation of help from extra terrestrials, succumbs to additionally discovered facts not known before. How could Romans build such impressive works without electricity by themselves when the young generations of today cannot figure it out? Enter the extraterrestrials. Welcome the entire choir.

Jesus' claim that if one had enough belief they could move mountains is dismissed by many as metaphorical. Point is that anyone who takes that tack winds up believing in the resurrection as metaphorical as well? What is meaning then?

Now they have arrived at the Christianity without faith in the fact of the resurrection, but rather only the meaning of it. This an intellectual event that cannot live within the spirit without the passion of the Holy Spirit to give it power.

If one is going to only believe the believable then where any is faith demonstrated? Even the plausible explanation of the story withers away all spiritual power of the event.

Lack of understanding of the spirit...

The unseen is transformed into a senseless enigma 

How can anyone claim to believe in God if God is an unseen Spirit, even the Holy Spirit of the Trinity? How does anyone believe in the Trinity if one cannot understand the unseen? If doubt cannot convince a Christian in the myth-like belief in the Christian story then doubt will concede the idea of Jesus being true but not His power.

Seeing is not believing, believing is seeing

Does anyone want proof? Do they want a sign? Then they do not want faith. Jesus was not impressed with those expecting a sign. They did not need faith because they were enmeshed in factual assumptions made without all the facts. 

One has to boast they know everything to their satisfaction. But whisper quietly in my ear that faith is gone. For these existence is stopped because the purpose of faith is not released within. More on faith before fully edited..

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