Click on this site to see how specifically small we really are in the seen world of space/time.
Specific Theory of Existence
Speculative Essays pushing the abstract envelope of conventional concrete thought.
Sunday, 2 February 2025
Tuesday, 4 October 2022
How Small is Small?
Size Matters But No One Knows What
Saturday, 3 September 2022
Unconnecting Continuums
Until recently I was unknowingly convinced that continuums were on each side of any focus. Now, however, I am of the idea that duality was the reason for this, so that idea came under scrutiny.
Good, that is good for me intrinsically, not apparently good is on its' own continuum. The justifications for this came from contrasting dualities and continuums. This allows for dualities to continue in their manner, twos, and continuums to operate beside each other as exclusive units.
Only element now is that the continuum of good (for us) is not rooted in "not good" rather it is connected to "less" good and "greater good". At the center of this reasoning is God is good. He is good because if He were not good there would be nothing to consider. But because He is good, in order for anything to exist it has to be completely positive and connecting evil via continuums not only intertwines dualities it renders them the loss of their original function.
I must confess also, that it came from the knowledge that God did not create evil, that it was completely foreign to Him. Evil came after Him via the free will He created. This is also true because continuums are connecting only, whereas dualities are multifunctioning. This does not upset the ideas of good, it insulates them against their opposites.
I will halt here for ideas to settle and remind myself it is not my duty to convince anyone. When very young I finally understood that my understanding's came from myself, just as others came from themselves. There is no one way to think about any matter. God gives us the chance to consider everything, to allow, I guess, allow for everything. Meanwhile, I finally realized it was not my responsibility to convince others, it was to understand myself.
Friday, 12 August 2022
Confessing Christ
I confess Christ before all no matter whatever. I believe He died on the Cross for everyone, preached to all those lost in the Great Flood, rose alive in the flesh and was seen before few and many, prior to ascending to heaven.
I believe when He said that if we have enough faith, we could cause a mountain to be thrown up and hurled into the sea. I believe He is the incarnate Son of God, and one with God and the Holy Spirit.
I believe the words of Jesus in Chapter 17 in the Book of John. I believe in the Gospels and all the views contained therein quoting Jesus who wrote down nothing and spoke everything. All He said was placed in the hearts of believers, survived in many writings guided by those moved by the Holy spirit.
There is no other story that is so intricately woven, so complete and so unrivaled as the story lived by Jesus. Never has so much evidence been compiled, read written about by so many. I thank God for His Existence, and the existence He has spoken into me.
Tuesday, 26 July 2022
There is no limit to God
Thursday, 9 June 2022
Catching up to Existence
Discovering God Every Generation
Physical science now seems to somewhat agree with the idea the universe is growing at a rapid rate. I wonder if that is because we are discovering that it is growing at all, not specifically growing by itself in actuality. It is already grown in like manner as far as we can speculate. We are only now able to figure it out?
I do not know this but how would anyone else know otherwise? I suspect we might have taken to space the concept of time. From what anchor are we linking our unit of time comparison entity? The expanding universe concept only exists, I strongly suspect, to justify the big bang after it.
The big bang had to have something to bang prior to the big I would think. Point I guess I am making is that our knowledge is not only going to get old but it is going to reveal a quite different reality in time, I should say, our time.
I am unexpectedly reminded in the side column of Arthur Koestler, who observed in his book Sleepwalker, I think it was, that "the progress of science is strewn, like an ancient desert trail, with the bleached skeleton of discarded theories which once seemed to possess eternal life."
Saturday, 4 June 2022
New Testament does not agree so is unreliable
😈or if it does agree, then it is collusion?
One cannot prove anything, except to each our own satisfaction. The wisdom of the ancients recognized this when they wrote that God did not want proof. Why? Because proof gives the false impression there is an alternative to faith. Speaking literally now, we all are thinking in faith because the complete facts are not yet known to us. What is gospel to one man is hearsay to another and are inadmissible to any proof. Eyewitnesses are notorious for being dramatically unreliable. to a single conclusion.
Thursday, 30 December 2021
God Spelled Backwards
Backward footsteps of the devil
Ancient communication devices |
Friday, 5 November 2021
Believing is Power
Belief alone is inert without power
Everything rests on faith, that is, the power to believe. Many believe only that which is easy to believe. If it is not believable then they have no faith for it. It is the unbelievable that requires power to believe. Believing, as the verb, is with power. However, belief as a subject, is doctrine, without power.