IC4592: Blue Horsehead Credit & Copyright: Rogelio Bernal Andreo See sidebar for explanation.

Monday 9 April 2018

elites' role for the unseen

Who here is pulling the strings? Stephen Hawking quoted recently in the press, intelligence is the ability to adapt to change. On the other hand I would think that intelligence was the ability to anticipate the future. There are two views here. One deals with what others do and the latter with what the individual himself does. In the prior view intelligence has already been interpreted by a the group and it is the individualist's job to react to it. So who then is pulling the strings?

Some things do not change. If anything is subject to change then we are indeed in a pickle. Therefore this view completely ignores any role for the individual and especially grievous, no role for the unseen. There are no absolutes in this world view, it is total chaos for the individual. Add to this.....

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