IC4592: Blue Horsehead Credit & Copyright: Rogelio Bernal Andreo See sidebar for explanation.

Tuesday 10 April 2018

if you can get outside of time

Time is sad, to contemplate time in the flesh and the linear passage of time that is fostered. One commenter remarked recently that if you could get outside of time it would be a healing process. Healing is a noteworthy attribute to the definition of time since if it is healing in the concrete flesh then this should weigh on the effect that time in the spiritually abstract would either overcome or replace.

However I find it impossible at this present stage to get anyway near outside of time. This is a hard idea to examine. The seen world reflects time so clearly and it suggest to me that this concrete reality may indeed be similar to a dream that came from the unseen. Everything is so real in the present but in the past I wondered how this should be. It is unbelievable what I tolerated in the present but am totally at war with in the future well afterward. 

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